"Light Party Timeline" is the alternate universe in which both Yrsa and N'ever join the scions and become co-warriors of light. Don and Fortune become a more significant presence in MSQ as non-wol scions and often tag along with both wols during their adventures.


  • ct
  • coils
  • mhach
  • alex
  • omega
  • 4 lords
  • bozja
  • eden
  • panda
  • motr

N'ever does not like wearing the title 'Warrior of Light', and she'd love to let Yrsa bear the full brunt of its responsibilities. But she knows Yrsa would be taken advantage of without her.


  • ct
  • coils
  • mhach
  • war triad
  • ivalice
  • 4 lords
  • eden
  • motr

Yrsa takes the role of Warrior of Light very seriously and is the most earnest in their "heroic duties". Yet in the group they tend to be a quiet observer rather than a leader.


  • ct
  • coils
  • alex
  • eureka
  • panda
  • motr

Don happily aids the warriors of light as a means of accessing new places, people, and research that could help her own studies. She and N'ever tend to butt heads.


  • bozja
  • eureka
  • panda

??? is a new member of the team, having been brought under Don's tutelage in the time following Hydaelyn's death. She tags along supposedly to seek out new blue mage spells and gather "artistic inspiration."